You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Death, Natural Abolished by ChristAll shall be raised fromBy AdamChrist delivers from the fear ofConquered by ChristConsequence of sinConsideration of, a motive to diligenceEnoch and Elijah were exempted fromIllustrates the change produced in conversionIs described as: A sleep.Is described as: Being cut down.Is described as: Departing.Is described as: Fleeing as a shadow.Is described as: Gathering to our people.Is described as: God requiring the soul.Is described as: Going down into silence. Is described as: Going the way whence there is no return.Is described as: Putting off this tabernacle.Is described as: Returning to dust.Is described as: The earthly house of this tabernacle being dissolved.Is described as: Yielding up the spirit.Levels all ranksLot of allNone subject to in heavenOrdered by GodPray to be prepared forPrepare forPuts an end to earthly projectsRegard, as at handShall finally be destroyed by ChristStrips of earthly possessionsWhen averted for a season, is a motive to increased devotedness