You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Doctrines of the Gospel, The A faithful walk adornsAre from GodAre godlyAre taught by ScriptureBring no reproach onImmorality condemned byLead to fellowship with the Father and with the SonLead to holinessMinisters should: Attend to.Ministers should: Be nourished up in.Ministers should: Continue in.Ministers should: Hold steadfastly. Ministers should: Hold, in sincerity.Ministers should: Speak things which become.Not endured by the wickedSaints abide inSaints obey, from the heartThe obedience of saints leads to surer knowledge ofThose who oppose are: Doting about questions, &c.Those who oppose are: Ignorant.Those who oppose are: Not to be received.Those who oppose are: Proud.Those who oppose are: To be avoided.