You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Excellency and Glory of Christ, The As creatorAs GodAs Head of the ChurchAs incarnateAs JudgeAs KingAs Lord of lords, &cAs MediatorAs one with the FatherAs PriestAs ProphetAs ShepherdAs the Blessed of GodAs the First-begottenAs the First-bornAs the foundation of the ChurchAs the image of GodAs the lifeAs the Son of GodAs the true Light As the truthAs the wayCelebrated by the redeemedFollowed his resurrectionFollowed his sufferingsImparted to saintsIn his exaltationIn his sinless perfectionIn his transfigurationIn his triumphIn his wordsIn his worksIn the calling of the GentilesIn the fulness of his grace and truthIn the restoration of the JewsIs incomparableIs unchangeableRevealed in the gospelSaints shall behold, in heavenSaints shall rejoice at the revelation of