You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Goodness of God, The Declared to be: Abundant.Declared to be: Enduring.Declared to be: Great.Declared to be: Rich.Declared to be: Satisfying.Declared to be: Universal.Is part of his characterManifested: Despise not.Manifested: In doing good.Manifested: In forgiving sins. Manifested: In providing for the poor.Manifested: In supplying temporal wants.Manifested: Leads to repentance.Manifested: Magnify.Manifested: Pray for the manifestation of.Manifested: Recognise, in his dealings.Manifested: Reverence.Manifested: The wicked disregard.Manifested: To his Church.Manifested: Urge others to confide in.