You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Hell And a place of torment.Contains, a place of rest, Abraham`s bosom.Described as: A furnace of fire.Described as: A lake of fire.Described as: Devouring fire.Described as: Everlasting burnings.Described as: Everlasting fire.Described as: Everlasting punishment.Described as: Fire and brimstone.Described as: Unquenchable fire.Devils are confined in, until the judgment dayEndeavour to keep others fromHuman power cannot preserve fromIllustrated Paradise.Prepared for the devil, &cPunishment of, is eternalThe beast, false prophets, and the devil shall be cast intoThe body suffers inThe place of disembodied spiritsThe place of future punishment: Destruction from the presence of God.The powers of, cannot prevail against the ChurchThe society of the wicked leads toThe soul suffers inThe wicked shall be turned intoThe wise avoidWhich Christ visited.