You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Holy Spirit, The, is God As appointing and sending ministersAs Author of the new birthAs called GodAs Comforter of the ChurchAs convincing of sin, of righteousness, and of judgmentAs CreatorAs directing where the gospel should be preachedAs dwelling in saintsAs equal to, and one with the FatherAs eternalAs inspiring ScriptureAs JehovahAs Jehovah of hosts As Jehovah, Most HighAs joined with the Father and the Son in the baptismal formulaAs omnipotentAs omnipresentAs omniscientAs raising Christ from the deadAs sanctifying the ChurchAs Sovereign Disposer of all thingsAs the source of miraculous powerAs the source of wisdomAs the Spirit of glory and of GodAs the WitnessBeing invoked as Jehovah