You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Humility A characteristic of saintsAfflictions intended to produceBlessedness ofChrist an example ofExcellency ofExemplified: Abraham.Exemplified: Centurion.Exemplified: David.Exemplified: Elizabeth.Exemplified: Gideon.Exemplified: Hezekiah.Exemplified: Isaiah.Exemplified: Jacob.Exemplified: Jeremiah.Exemplified: Job.Exemplified: John the Baptist.Exemplified: Joshua.Exemplified: Josiah.Exemplified: Manasseh.Exemplified: Moses.Exemplified: Paul. Exemplified: Peter.Exemplified: Woman of Canaan.Is before honourLeads to riches, honour, and lifeNecessary to the service of GodSaints should: Be clothed with.Saints should: Beware of false.Saints should: Put on.Saints should: Walk with.Temporal judgments averted byThe who have: Are greatest in Christ`s kingdom.The who have: Delivered by God.The who have: Enjoy the presence of God.The who have: Exalted by God.The who have: Heard by God.The who have: Lifted up by God.The who have: Receive more grace.The who have: Regarded by God.The who have: Upheld by honour.Want of, condemned