You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Hypocrites Beware the principles ofChrist knew and detectedDescribed as: Seeking only outward purity.Described as: Apparently zealous in the things of God.Described as: Censorious.Described as: Covetous.Described as: Devouring widows` houses.Described as: Exact in minor, but neglecting important duties.Described as: Glorying in appearance only.Described as: Having but a form of godliness.Described as: Loving pre-eminence.Described as: Ostentatious.Described as: Professing but not practising.Described as: Regarding tradition more than the word of God.Described as: Self-righteous.Described as: Trusting in privileges.Described as: Using but lip-worship.Described as: Vile.Described as: Wilfully blind.Described as: Zealous in making proselytes.Destroy others by slanderExemplified: Absalom. Exemplified: Ananias.Exemplified: Cain.Exemplified: Herodians.Exemplified: Judas.Exemplified: Pharisees, &c.Exemplified: Simon.Exemplified: The Jews.Fearfulness shall surpriseGod has no pleasure inGod knows and detectsHeap up wrathHope of perishesIllustratedIn power, are a snareJoy of, but for a momentPunishment ofShall not come before GodSpirit of, hinders growth in graceThe Apostasy to abound withWoe toWorship of, not acceptable to God