You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Language Ancient kingdoms often comprehended nations of differentCalled: Speech.Called: Tongue.Confusion of: A punishment for presumption, &c.Confusion of: Divided men into separated nations.Confusion of: Originated the varieties in.Confusion of: Scattered men over the earth.Great variety of, spoken by menInterpretation of: A gift of the Holy Spirit.Interpretation of: Antiquity of engaging persons for.Interpretation of: Most important in the early church.Interpretation of: The Jews punished by being given up to people of a strange.Kinds of, mentioned: Arabic, &c.Kinds of, mentioned: Chaldea.Kinds of, mentioned: Egyptian.Kinds of, mentioned: Greek. Kinds of, mentioned: Hebrew.Kinds of, mentioned: Latin.Kinds of, mentioned: Lycaonian.Kinds of, mentioned: Syriack.Of all mankind one at firstOf some nations difficultPower of speaking different: A gift of the Holy Spirit.Power of speaking different: A sign to unbelievers.Power of speaking different: Ceased when the written Bible completed.Power of speaking different: Conferred by laying on of the apostles` hands.Power of speaking different: Followed receiving the gospel.Power of speaking different: Given on the day of Pentecost.Power of speaking different: Necessary to spread of the gospel.Power of speaking different: Promised.Power of speaking different: Sometimes abused.The term barbarian applied to those who spoke a strange