You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Love of Christ, The Exemplified towards: His apostles.Exemplified towards: John.Exemplified towards: Lazarus, &c.Exemplified towards: Peter.IllustratedIs the banner over his saintsIs the ground of his saints love to himManifested in his: Coming to seek the lost.Manifested in his: Dying for us.Manifested in his: Giving himself for us.Manifested in his: Interceding for us.Manifested in his: Praying for his enemies.Manifested in his: Rebukes and chastisements.Manifested in his: Sending the Spirit. Manifested in his: Washing away our sins.Obedient saints abide inPasses knowledgeSaints obtain victory throughTo be imitatedTo his churchTo saints, is: Constraining.To saints, is: Indissoluble.To saints, is: Unchangeable.To saints, is: Unquenchable.To saints, shall be acknowledge even by enemiesTo the FatherTo those who love him