You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Malice A hindrance to growth in graceBrings its own punishmentChristian liberty not to be a cloak forExemplified: Cain.Exemplified: Diotrephes.Exemplified: Edomites.Exemplified: Esau.Exemplified: Haman.Exemplified: Herodias.Exemplified: Joab.Exemplified: Joseph`s brethren.Exemplified: Presidents, &c.Exemplified: Sanballat.Exemplified: Saul. Exemplified: Scribes &c.Exemplified: Shimei.ForbiddenGod requitesIncompatible with the worship of GodPray for those who injure you throughPunishment ofSaints avoidSprings from an evil heartThe wicked: Conceive.The wicked: Filled with.The wicked: Live in.The wicked: Speak with.The wicked: Visit saints with.