You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Mercy of God, The A ground of hopeA ground of trustDescribed as: Abundant.Described as: Everlasting.Described as: Filling the earth.Described as: Great.Described as: High as heaven.Described as: Manifold.Described as: New every morning.Described as: Over all his works.Described as: Plenteous.Described as: Rich.Described as: Sure.Described as: Tender.Exemplified: Epaphroditus.Exemplified: Lot.Exemplified: Paul.Is his delight Is part of his characterManifested: In long-suffering.Manifested: In salvation.Manifested: In the sending of Christ.Manifested: To his people.Manifested: To repentant sinners.Manifested: To returning backsliders.Manifested: To the afflicted.Manifested: To the fatherless.Manifested: To them that fear him.Manifested: To whom he will.Manifested: With everlasting kindness.Should be: Magnified.Should be: Pleaded in prayer.Should be: Rejoiced in.Should be: Sought for others.Should be: Sought for ourselves.Typified: Mercy seat.