You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Ministers Are bound to: Build up the Church.Are bound to: Comfort.Are bound to: Convince gainsayers.Are bound to: Endure hardness.Are bound to: Exhort.Are bound to: Feed the Church.Are bound to: Pray for their people.Are bound to: Preach the gospel to all.Are bound to: Rebuke.Are bound to: Strengthen the faith of their people.Are bound to: Teach.Are bound to: War a good warfare.Are bound to: Warn affectionately.Are bound to: Watch for souls.Authority of, is for edificationCalled by GodCommissioned by ChristCompared to earthen vesselsDescribed as: Ambassadors for Christ.Described as: Defenders of the faith.Described as: Ministers of Christ.Described as: Stewards of the mysteries of God.Described as: The servants of Christ`s people.Entrusted with the gospelExcellency ofFaithful-Exemplified: Archippus.Faithful-Exemplified: Barnabas.Faithful-Exemplified: Epaphroditus.Faithful-Exemplified: Matthias.Faithful-Exemplified: Paul.Faithful-Exemplified: Philip.Faithful-Exemplified: Simeon, &c.Faithful-Exemplified: The Eleven Apostles.Faithful-Exemplified: The seventy.Faithful-Exemplified: Timothy.Faithful-Exemplified: Titus.Faithful-Exemplified: Tychicus.Have authority from GodLabours of, vain, without God`s blessingNecessity forPray for the increase ofQualified by GodSent by the Holy SpiritSeparated to the gospelShould avoid giving unnecessary offenceShould be: Affectionate to their people.Should be: Apt to teach.Should be: Blameless.Should be: Devoted.Should be: Disinterested.Should be: Ensample to the flock.Should be: Gentle.Should be: Holy.Should be: Hospitable.Should be: Humble.Should be: Impartial.Should be: Patient.Should be: Prayerful.Should be: Pure. Should be: Self-denying.Should be: Sober, just, and temperate.Should be: Strict in ruling their own families.Should be: Strong in grace.Should be: Studious and meditative.Should be: Watchful.Should be: Willing.Should make full proof of their ministryShould not be: Contentious.Should not be: Crafty.Should not be: Easily dispirited.Should not be: Entangled by cares.Should not be: Given to wine.Should not be: Greedy of filthy lucre.Should not be: Lords over God`s heritage.Should not be: Men-pleasers.Should preach: According to the oracles of God.Should preach: Christ crucified.Should preach: Everywhere.Should preach: Fully, and without reserve.Should preach: Not setting forth themselves.Should preach: Not with enticing words of man`s wisdom.Should preach: Repentance and faith.Should preach: With boldness.Should preach: With consistency.Should preach: With constancy.Should preach: With faithfulness.Should preach: With good will and love.Should preach: With heedfulness.Should preach: With plainness of speech.Should preach: With zeal.Should preach: Without charge, if possible.Should preach: Without deceitfulness.Should seek the salvation of their flockSpecially protected by GodTheir people are bound, to: Attend to their instructions.Their people are bound, to: Follow their holy example.Their people are bound, to: Give them joy.Their people are bound, to: Help them.Their people are bound, to: Hold them in reputation.Their people are bound, to: Imitate their faith.Their people are bound, to: Love them.Their people are bound, to: Not to despise them.Their people are bound, to: Obey them.Their people are bound, to: Pray for them.Their people are bound, to: Regard them as God`s messengers.Their people are bound, to: Support them.When faithful: Approve themselves as the ministers of God.When faithful: Are rewarded.When faithful: Commend themselves to the consciences of men.When faithful: Glory in their people.When faithful: Rejoice in the faith and holiness of their people.When faithful: Thank God for his gifts to their people.When unfaithful: Seek gain.When unfaithful: Deal treacherously with their people.When unfaithful: Delude men.When unfaithful: Described.When unfaithful: Shall be punished.Woe to those who do not preach the gospel