You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Miracles of Christ, The Centurion`s servant healedDevils cast outDraughts of fishDropsy curedFig tree blightedHis appearance to his disciples, the doors being shutHis ascensionHis resurrectionHis transfigurationHis walking on the seaImpotent man healedIssue of blood stoppedLepers cleansedMalchus healedMany and divers diseases healed Nobleman`s son healedParalytic healedPerformed before the messengers of JohnPeter walking on the seaPeter`s wife`s mother healedSudden arrival of the shipTempest stilledThe blind restored to sightThe dead raised to lifeThe deaf and dumb curedThe multitude fedTribute moneyWater turned to wineWithered hand restoredWoman healed of infirmity