You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Miracles A gift of the Holy SpiritDescribed as: Marvellous things.Described as: Marvellous works.Described as: Signs and wonders.Faith required in: Those for whom they were performed.Faith required in: Those who performed.First preaching of the gospel confirmed byGuilt of rejecting the evidence afforded byInstrumental to the early propagation of the gospelInsufficient of themselves, to produce conversionJesus was followed on account ofJesus was proved to be the Messiah byManifest: The glory of Christ.Manifest: The glory of God.Manifest: The works of God.Power of God necessary toShould be remembered Should be told to future generationsShould produce faithShould produce obedienceThe Messiah was expected to performThe who wrought, disclaimed all power of their ownThe wicked: Desire to see.The wicked: Do not consider.The wicked: Do not understand.The wicked: Forget.The wicked: Often acknowledge.The wicked: Proof against.Were evidences of a divine commissionWere performed: By the power of Christ.Were performed: By the power of God.Were performed: By the power of the Holy Spirit.Were performed: In the name of Christ.