You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Missionaries, All Christians Should Be As After the example of ChristAn imperative dutyAs faithful stewardsBlessedness ofEncouragement toExemplified: Andrew.Exemplified: Anna.Exemplified: Apollos.Exemplified: Aquila, &c.Exemplified: Barnabas.Exemplified: Captive maid.Exemplified: Centurion.Exemplified: Chief of the Fathers, &c.Exemplified: Disciples.Exemplified: Hannah.Exemplified: Joanna, &c.Exemplified: Leper.Exemplified: Onesiphorus.Exemplified: Persecuted Saints.Exemplified: Philemon.Exemplified: Philip.Exemplified: Restored demoniac.Exemplified: Shadrach, &c.Exemplified: Shepherds.Exemplified: Various individuals.Exemplified: Woman of Samaria.From their calling as saintsHowever weak they may beIllustratedIn a holy exampleIn admonishing othersIn aiding ministers in their laboursIn declaring what God has done for them In dedicating themselves to the service of GodIn devoting all property to GodIn encouraging the weakIn first giving their own selves to the LordIn following ChristIn forsaking all for ChristIn giving a reason for their faithIn hating life for ChristIn holy boldnessIn holy conductIn holy conservationIn interceding for othersIn inviting forth God`s praisesIn inviting others to embrace the gospelIn joyfully suffering for ChristIn old ageIn openly confessing ChristIn preferring Christ above all relationsIn reproving othersIn seeking the edification of othersIn showing forth God`s praisesIn talking of God and his worksIn teaching and exhortingIn the familyIn their intercourse with the worldIn visiting and relieving the poor, the sick, &cIn youthThe principle on whichThe zeal of hypocrites should provoke toThe zeal of idolaters should provoke toWith a superabundant liberalityWith a willing heartWomen and children as well as men