You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Moabites Alarmed at the number, &c of IsraelAlways hostile to IsraelAre given to, as a possessionBenaiah slew two champions ofCalled: Children of Lot.Called: People of Chemosh.Conquered by Israel and JudahDeprived of a large part of their territories by the AmoritesDescended from LotDescribed as: Idolatrous.Described as: Mighty men of war.Described as: Prosperous and at ease.Described as: Proud and arrogant.Described as: Rich and confident.Described as: Superstitious.Excluded from the congregation of Israel foreverExpelled the ancient EmimsGave an asylum to David`s familyGoverned by kingsHarassed and subdued by SaulIsrael and Judah joined againstIsraelites: Enticed to idolatry by. Israelites: Forbidden to make leagues with.Israelites: Forbidden to spoil.Israelites: Sometimes intermarried with.Joined Babylon against JudahKing of, sacrificed his son to excite animosity against IsraelMade tributary to DavidMiraculously deceived by the colour of the waterPaid tribute of sheep and wool to the king of IsraelPossessed many and great citiesProphesies respecting: Desolation and grief.Prophesies respecting: Inability to avert destruction.Prophesies respecting: Restoration from captivity.Prophesies respecting: Subjugation to Israel.Prophesies respecting: Subjugation to Messiah.Prophesies respecting: Terror on account of Israel.Prophesies respecting: Their desolation as a punishment for their hatred of Israel.Prophesies respecting: To be captives in Babylon.Prophesies respecting: To destroyed in three years.Refused to let Israel passRevolted from Israel after the death of AhabSeparated from the Amorites by the river ArnonWith Midian send for Balaam to curse Israel