You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Obedience to God A characteristic of saintsAngles engaged inBetter than sacrificeBlessedness ofChrist, an example ofCommandedConfess your failure inExemplified: Abram.Exemplified: Asa.Exemplified: Caleb &c.Exemplified: David.Exemplified: Elijah.Exemplified: Hezekiah.Exemplified: Israelites.Exemplified: Joseph.Exemplified: Josiah.Exemplified: Noah.Exemplified: Paul.Exemplified: Saints of Rome.Exemplified: Wise men.Exemplified: Zacharias &c.Exemplified: Zerubbabel.Exhortations to Includes: Keeping his commandments.Includes: Obeying Christ.Includes: Obeying his law.Includes: Obeying his voice.Includes: Obeying the gospel.Includes: Submission to higher powers.Justification obtained by that of ChristObligations toPray to be taughtPrepare the heart forPromises toPunishment of refusingResolve uponSaints elected toShould be: Constant.Should be: From the heart.Should be: Undeviating.Should be: Unreserved.Should be: With willingness.The wicked refuseTo be universal in the latter daysWithout faith, is impossible