You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Plague or Pestilence, The Described as noisomeDesolating effects ofEgypt often afflicted withEqually fatal day and nightFatal to man and beastIllustrative of: God`s judgments upon the apostasy.Illustrative of: The diseased state of man`s heart.Inflicted by GodIsrael threatened with, as a punishment for disobedienceOften broke out suddenlyOften followed war and famine One of God`s four sore judgmentsPredicted to happen before destruction of JerusalemSent upon: David`s subjects for his numbering the people.Sent upon: Israel for despising manna.Sent upon: Israel for making golden calf.Sent upon: Israel for murmuring at destruction of Korah.Sent upon: Israel for worshipping Baal-peor.Sent upon: The Egyptians.Specially fatal in citiesThe Jews sought deliverance from, by prayerWas attributed to a destroying angel