You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Presents Antiquity ofConsidered essential on all visits of businessGenerally presented in personGenerally procured a favourable receptionLaid out and presented with great ceremonyNot bringing, considered a mark of disrespect and disaffectionOf persons of rank, of great value and varietyOften borne by servantsOften conveyed on camelsReceiving of, a token of good willSometimes sent before the giverThings given as: Cattle.Things given as: Food.Things given as: Garments.Things given as: Gold and silver vessels.Things given as: Horses and mules.Things given as: Money.Things given as: Ornaments.Things given as: Precious stones. Things given as: Servants.Things given as: Weapons of war.Were given: As tribute.Were given: At marriages.Were given: By kings to each other in token of inferiority.Were given: In token of friendship.Were given: On all occasions of public rejoicing.Were given: On occasions of visits.Were given: On recovering from sickness.Were given: On restoration to prosperity.Were given: On sending away friends.Were given: To appease the angry feelings of others.Were given: To confirm covenants.Were given: To judges to secure a favourable hearing.Were given: To kings to engage their aid.Were given: To reward service.Were given: To show respect.When small or defective, refused