You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Prudence Exemplified by ChristExemplifiedAbigail.ExemplifiedAged counsellors of Rehoboam.ExemplifiedDavid.ExemplifiedGamaliel.ExemplifiedGideon.ExemplifiedJacob.ExemplifiedJethro.ExemplifiedJoseph.ExemplifiedNehemiah.ExemplifiedPaul.ExemplifiedSergius Paulus.ExemplifiedSolomon.ExemplifiedThe Poor Wise Man.ExemplifiedThe Scribe.Exhibited in the manifestation of God`s graceIntimately connected with wisdomOf the wicked: Defeated by God.Of the wicked: Denounced by God.Of the wicked: Fails in times of perplexity. Of the wicked: Keeps them from the knowledge of the gospel.Of the wicked: Necessity for-Illustrated.Saints act withSaints should especially exercise, in their intercourse with unbelieversThe wise celebrated forThe young should cultivateThey who have: Are preserved by it.They who have: Crowned with knowledge.They who have: Deal with knowledge.They who have: Foresee and avoid evil.They who have: Get knowledge.They who have: Keep silence in the evil time.They who have: Look well to their goings.They who have: Not ostentatious of knowledge.They who have: Regard reproof.They who have: Suppress angry feelings.They who have: Understand the ways of God.They who have: Understand their own ways.Virtuous wives act with