You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Reviling and Reproaching Blessedness of enduring, for Christ`s sakeExcludes from heavenExemplified: Athenian philosophers.Exemplified: Goliath.Exemplified: Jews.Exemplified: Joseph`s brethren.Exemplified: Malefactor.Exemplified: Michal.Exemplified: Moabites and Ammonites.Exemplified: Pharisees.Exemplified: Sennacherib.Exemplified: Shimei.ForbiddenHappiness of enduring, for Christ`s sakeMinisters should not fearOf Christ, predictedOf rulers specially forbiddenPunishment for Saints: Endure for Christ`s sake.Saints: Endure for God`s sake.Saints: Endure.Saints: May take pleasure in.Saints: Pray under.Saints: Return blessings for.Saints: Should expect.Saints: Should not fear.Saints: Sometimes depressed by.Saints: Supported under.Saints: Trust in God under.The conduct of Christ underThe wicked utter, against: Christ.The wicked utter, against: God, by opposing the poor.The wicked utter, against: God.The wicked utter, against: Rulers.The wicked utter, against: Saints.