You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Righteousness Imputed Blessedness of those who haveChrist brings in an everlasting righteousnessChrist called THE LORD OF OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSChrist is the end of the law forDescribed as: Christ being made righteousness to us.Described as: Our being made the righteousness of God, in Christ.Described as: The righteousness of faith.Described as: The righteousness of God by faith in Christ.Described as: The righteousness of God, without the law.Exemplified: Abraham.Exemplified: Paul.Exhortation to seek righteousnessGod`s righteousness never to be abolishedIs a free gift Is of the LordPredictedRevealed in the gospelSaints: Clothed with the robe of righteousness.Saints: Desire to be found in.Saints: Exalted in righteousness.Saints: Glory in having.Saints: Have, on believing.The Gentiles attained toThe Jews: Ignorant of.The Jews: Stumble at righteousness by faith.The Jews: Submit not to.The promises made through