You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Sackcloth Illustrative: (Covering the heavens with,) of severe judgments.Illustrative: (Girding with,) of heavy afflictions.Illustrative: (Heavens becoming as,) of severe judgments.Illustrative: (Putting of,) of joy and gladness.Made of coarse hairNo one clothed in, allowed into the palaces of kingsOf a black colourRough and unsightlyThe Jews lay in, when in deep affliction Was worn: At funerals.Was worn: By God`s prophets.Was worn: By persons in affliction.Was worn: Frequently next the skin in deep afflictions.Was worn: Girt about the loins.Was worn: In the streets.Was worn: Often over the whole person.Was worn: Often with ropes on the head.Was worn: With ashes on the head.