You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Saints, Compared To BabesBranches of a vineCalves of the stallCedars in LebanonCornDew and showersDovesEaglesFruitful treesGoldGood figsGood fishesGood servantsGreen olive treesJewelsLambsLebanonLightsLiliesLionsLittle childrenLively stonesMembers of the body Mount ZionObedient childrenPalm treesPomegranatesRunners in a raceRunners of the bodySaltSheepSoldiersStarsStones of a crownStrangers and pilgrimsThe sunThirsting deerTreasureTrees planted by riversUnfailing springsVessels of gold and silverVinesWatered gardensWheatWillows by the water coursesWrestlers