You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Samaria, Modern Christ after his resurrection commanded the gospel to be preached inChrist at first forbade his disciples to visitChrist preached inCities of, mentioned in scripture: Antipatris.Cities of, mentioned in scripture: Samaria.Cities of, mentioned in scripture: Sychar.Had many citiesInhabitants of: Abhorred by the Jews.Inhabitants of: Boasted descent from Jacob.Inhabitants of: Expected the Messiah.Inhabitants of: Had no intercourse or dealings with the Jews.Inhabitants of: More humane and grateful than the Jews. Inhabitants of: Opposed the Jews after their return from captivity.Inhabitants of: Professed to worship God.Inhabitants of: Ready to hear and embrace the gospel.Inhabitants of: Their religion mixed with idolatry.Inhabitants of: Their true descent.Inhabitants of: Were superstitious.Inhabitants of: Worshipped on Mount Gerizim.Many Christian churches inSituated between Judea and GalileeThe gospel first preached in, by PhilipThe persecuted Christians fled to