You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Sins, National Aggravated by privilegesAre a reproach to a peopleBring down national judgmentsCause the withdrawal of privilegesDefile: National worship.Defile: The land.Defile: The people.Denunciations againstExemplified: Babylon.Exemplified: Children of Israel.Exemplified: Kingdom of Israel.Exemplified: Kingdom of Judah.Exemplified: Moab.Exemplified: Nations of Canaan.Exemplified: Nineveh.Exemplified: Sodom and Gomorrah.Exemplified: Tyre. Lead the heathen to blasphemeMinisters should: Mourn over.Ministers should: Pray for forgiveness of.Ministers should: Testify against.Ministers should: Try to turn the people from.National prayer rejected on account ofNational worship rejected on account ofOften caused and encouraged by rulersOften caused by prosperityPervade all ranksPunishment forPunishment for, averted on repentanceSaints especially mourn overShould be: Confessed.Should be: Mourned over.Should be: Repented of.Should be: Turned from.