You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Spear An offensive weaponCalled the glittering spearDifferent kinds of: Darts.Different kinds of: Javelins.Different kinds of: Lances.First mention of, in ScriptureFrequently thrown from the handFrequently used by horse soldiersFurbished before warIllustrative of the bitterness of the wickedMade into pruning-hooks in peace Often retained in the hand of the person usingParts of mentioned: The head of iron or brass.Parts of mentioned: The staff of wood.Probably pointed at both endsProvided by the kings of Israel in great abundancePruning-hooks made into, before warStuck in the ground beside the bolster during sleepThe Israelites: Acquainted with the making of.The Israelites: Frequently used.The Israelites: Ill provided with, in the times of Deborah and Saul.Those who used, called spearmen