You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Titles and Names of Ministers Ambassadors for ChristAngels of the ChurchApostlesApostles of Jesus ChristBishopsDeaconsEldersEvangelistsFishers of menLabourersMessengers of the churchMessengers of the Lord of hostsMinisters of ChristMinisters of GodMinisters of righteousnessMinisters of the ChurchMinisters of the gospelMinisters of the LordMinisters of the New Testament Ministers of the sanctuaryMinisters of the wordOverseersPastorsPreachersServants of GodServants of Jesus ChristServants of the ChurchServants of the LordShepherdsSoldiers of ChristStarsStewards of GodStewards of the grace of GodStewards of the mysteries of GodTeachersWatchmenWitnessesWorkers together with God