You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Zeal Christ an example ofExhortation toGodly sorrow leads toHoly-Exemplified: Apollos.Holy-Exemplified: Corinthians.Holy-Exemplified: Epaphras.Holy-Exemplified: Josiah.Holy-Exemplified: Phinehas.Of saints, ardentProvokes others to do goodShould be exhibited: Against idolatry. Should be exhibited: For the glory of God.Should be exhibited: For the welfare of saints.Should be exhibited: In contending for the faith.Should be exhibited: In desiring the salvation of others.Should be exhibited: In missionary labours.Should be exhibited: In spirit.Should be exhibited: In well-doing.Sometimes not according to knowledgeSometimes wrongly directedUngodly men sometimes pretend to