You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Zebulun, the Tribe Of A naval and commercial peopleAided Gideon against the army of the MidianitesBounds of their inheritanceCountry of, blessed with the presence and instruction of ChristDescended from Jacob`s tenth sonEncamped under the standard of Judah, east of the tabernacleFamilies ofFormed the rear of the first division of the army of Israel in its journeysFurnished a judge to IsraelFurnished scribes or writers to IsraelOffering of, at the dedicationOfficer appointed over by David On Ebal said amen to the cursesOnly some of, assisted in Hezekiah`s reformationPersons selected from: To divide the land.Persons selected from: To number the people.Persons selected from: To spy out the land.Praised for assisting Deborah and Barak in opposing SiseraPredictions respectingSome of, at David`s coronationStrength of, on entering CanaanStrength of, on leaving EgyptUnable to drive out the Canaanites from their cities, but made them tributary