About Christianity and Jesus
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Surprisingly, Jesus was not a Christian, and the word Christianity is not found in the Bible.

So what is Christianity?  Christianity is a religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.  Christianity is the world's largest religion, with one estimate implying 2.1 billion adherents, or approximately 33% of the world's population. 

However, naming Jesus as the founder of Christianity is not completely consistent with the facts about Christianity, or the history of Christianity.  Jesus of Nazareth, his family and his initial followers were all Jewish. 

The term Christianity was not coined until 30 to 50 years after Jesus' life, and it was not until 261 A.D. that Emperor Gallienus' edict made Christianity a legal religion.  After Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, the birth of Jesus marked the beginning of our modern calendar (e.g. 2007 A.D. aims to mark 2,007 years since the birth of Jesus).

For an introduction to Christianity beliefs, some study a Christianity 101 course, or read one of the classic books explaining the essence of Christianity, such as Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis or Basic Christianity by John Stott.

However, a superior approach is to go back to the original source documents.  Biblical Christianity relies on both the Bible's Old and New Testament as primary source documents for the Christian religion.  Most adherents of the Christian faith believe Jesus to be the Son of God and the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. The New Testament includes the Jesus biography (Gospels), plus the history and correspondence of the early followers of Jesus. 

To learn from the origins of Christianity, Jesus' own life and teachings, use these guides into the original source documents:

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Christianity Rocks!

 I am a firm believer! But I do know when to back off. You should respect others beliefs and demand their respect as well! Now "Atheists" dude. What's with the attitude man! Back off! And another thing missionaries are just trying to be nice and help people so stop being so hateful! Did you know that some Chinese officers found a secret church and said that anyone who still wanted to believe in Jesus was to stay in the circle. Well guess what only some got out. They shot the rest including the children! Do you think that's funny?! Well do ya?!

By: Tatiana Cox
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My dear Christian friends.  Let's start by examining what it means to be atheist:  first off, you don't believe in god.  If you don't believe in god, then either you don't know about god, or satan implanted the seeds of confusion in your brain.

 Agree so far?  Good.

Logically, since satan is present, Atheists must be in league with him.  Aye?  So Atheists are really just satanists.



not at all, you religious fools.  Pardon me for not spouting about jesus.  As I recall, it says 'people of all backgrounds'. 

Learning about jesus, to anyone other than a christian, is exactly like learning about a flying speghetti monster.  I doubt this is the first time you've heard it.

It's sad really, when you want to put prayer in schools.  Did you know 'under god' was ADDED to the pledge of allegiance?

It was.  Or, your holiday.  Christmas.  Let me tell you something:  early christians petitioned the ruling powers to erect a holiday for their messiahs' birth.  They were denied.  So what did they do?  They celebrated on an already celebrated holiday:  THe winter solstice!

Easter is just ther vernal equinox...come on people, use your brains, not your liver.

I'm just saying if you step back and look at what you believe logically, it's rather ignorant and stupid.

Let's accept, for a minute, that there is an all knowing, all powerfull, and all benevolent diety in the sky.  Why in hell would he kill little children?  so they can go straight to heaven?  What about being 'born a sinner'?

Don't be stupid, folks.  There is no entity in the sky, watching your every move.  Morals for the wrong reasons are a lot more dangerious for no morals at all.

By: Oz DeLaVergne
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What an absolute waste of energy for the writer and a monumental waste of broadband. It says nothing! The few bits I could derive from the article are true, but for a non-believing Christian they are a waste of time.

By: Philip Neri
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About Christianity and Jesus

That Jesus is not Christian is easy to explain.  A christian is 'one who belongs to the party of Christ'.  His followers are the christians not Him, See Acts 11:26  Anyone who acknowledges Jesus as the Christ, as the Son of the living God, and follows Him will also be called a christian.  A great honor indeed.

By: Genovevo Lubaton
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what happens during the beginning of hanukkah

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The New Testament is the Word of God and in it is written the response we today should have towards divisions and false teachings.
God has already addressed the issue - listen to His response.

By: Ed Kerr
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Reality of Christ

Jesus claimed that He was fully God and fully man.  This is made clear in the first chapter of the gospel of John.  Jesus allowed himself to be killed so that the punishment meant for you and me would be transferred to Himself by His death on the cross. Jesus proved He was God by rising from the dead three days later.


The disciples testified through their own deaths that the resurrection was true.  Everyone except John and Judas died a painful death.  Every one of them could have escaped death if they would have testified that the resurrection of Jesus was a hoax.  Think about it, no man would die for something that didn’t happen and under the penalty of death most men would deny the truth.  The martyrdom of the disciples is a very powerful and compelling testimony.

By: David Carney
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I strongly believe that we should all respect each other's religious beliefs; in retrospect, we are all worshiping the same one god even if we call him/her by a different name.  It is the individual's responsibility to not become a fanatic and to not be a thorn in the religion.  To express and expose the positive acts and not the negative fanatical ones, as we so clearly see almost daily.  And, finally, to continue to search for the truth; not the truth that we want to hear but the founded documented truth as best can be found.

I wish you all the many blessings the universe has to offer and infinite bright returns of the day.

By: Barby Young
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To Love jesus
If it wasn't for jesus we would not be here.Everyone forgets about jesus untilsomething happens and then They pray for help.And they need to put pray back in the schools. Pray and believeing in God is the only way to get though life. He is the only one we can really count on in life.And if you do have God in your life then you have nothing.put your trust in God and he will not let you down.His eyes are on the ways of man, and he sees all his steps.Nothing is more awesome than to know God.

By: Doris Hill
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