Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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what are the cammandments of Jesus, are they the same as the 10 commandments, or did He bring new updated commandments

By: heather j.
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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question " how to keep the word consistently?"
To keep the word consistently is to be in the word regularly and practice what you learn daily, memorize scripture verses and pray them in your prayers.  For example Order my steps in your word and let no iniquity have dominion over me believe it and live it. rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice practice rejoicing ecetera.  There is a scripture in Phillipians that talks about the things to think about, things that are lovely, just, noble, praiseworthy and more practice it daily when a thought comes that is not in sync with the scripture toss it and place something else in it.  God will help you do these things when you believe and make an effort.  God bless you in your effort

By: Lonia Dean
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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J esus and God who loves us
The relationship between Jesus and God serves as a guidepost for us to live by.  The messages of love serve as how we should live with our families and friends,  with the spiritual world, and all who abide in Heaven

By: Norman Diotte
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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Sometimes it all seems to be to much.To much to take in all at once.Emotions,remembering,tidal waves of thoughts,Love of GOD and knowing I will always fall short.I don't want to fail GOD ever again.Maybe the learning process is part of the outcome anyway.It's all part of the end solution.HEAVEN,going home.To finally be safe,needless,full and not just fleeting glimpses from wavering faith.I feel better now.thanks.I'm good at rambling. :)

By: Nicholas Mancuso
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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How do I consistantly keep His word?It just seems impossible to ever get past imperfection.

By: Nicholas Mancuso
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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gods loves
god has show me very ways and has help me in alot i just never really thought about it and now i want too devote my love to him..

By: marie castillo
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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why do some churches change what the bible says to suit modern day circumstances, eg making the sabbathday sunday instead of friday? Surley this is breaking gods commandment?

By: samantha fisher
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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is the pope a messenger from god?

By: samantha fisher
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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where in the bible does it clearly say that jesus is god. Not at one with god but is god?

By: samantha fisher
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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Jesus Has given His All, to save You and Me

Isn't it healthy as Christians to accept the gift of salvation, the reality that we can't move and have our being without His intervention?

 He had already given His all to win us - its now time for us to realize how vital it is for us to turn back to God, who lavishly loves us. To experience and enjoy every good thing he had prepared for us, let's acknowlegde Him in our lives through accepting Him as our personal Lord and Savior. That's our gate pass for an abundant life in Him. 

By: Juliet Saldo
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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"If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode (home) with him." ( John 14:23)

"He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will disclose Myself to him." ( John 14:21)

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." ( John 3:16)

"Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love." ( John 15:9)

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand." ( John 10:27)

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