57 entries for this category: | The gospel |
Jesus had one consistent message, and it is His Good News¨Jesus' Gospel. The word `gospel, ` which is often misunderstood in our day, was a loaded term in Jesus' day. In Israel, when people thought about the Gospel, they recalled verses in the Old Testament like
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, ''that's `gospel`'' , who proclaim salvation, who say to Israel, `Your God reigns!` ''Isaiah 52:7''
So it is with the idea of the `good news.` The proclamation of the gospel was the news that God reigns. The expectation was that it would really come when the Romans would be overthrown, the temples would be rebuilt, and the oppressors would be defeated. It would come with an act of military strength and power. That was the good news they were waiting for. Gospel was initially a loaded word.
It was also a loaded word in the Roman world. Tom Wright has written about this:
Euangellian the word for `gospel` or `good news, ` is a regular, technical term referring to the announcement of a great military victory and/or the birth of or accession of an Emperor, a new ruler who is going to bring strength and good news to the Roman world.
The following is actually an inscription found on a building in the year 9 BC. It's about Caesar Augustus. Listen to the language they used in the Roman world to describe Caesar:
The providence which has ordered the whole of our lives, showing concern and zeal, has ordained it the most perfect consummation for human life by giving to it Augustus, by filling him with virtue for doing the work of a benefactor among men and by sending in him, as it were, a savior for us and those who come after us to make war to cease, to create order everywhere, the birthday of the god Augustus was the beginning for the world of the Good News which have come to men through him.
That's kind of scary language for a human being, isn't it? In the Roman world, good news is synonymous with ?Caesar is lord.? They used that language. Now Jesus comes and says, `I have good news.` But this is going to be different than what most people in Israel thought it would be and different than what most people in the Roman Empire thought it was going to be.
After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. `The time has come, ` he said. `The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!` ''Mark 1:14-15''
Good news translates gospel. By: John Ortberg Category: The Calling of the First Disciples (2) Comments |
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 | In your own words, write down what the phrase, good news of God means? |
To me, the good news of God is that Jesus Christ came to Earth to save mankind from themselves. Jesus helped to show us the way to live our lives, and that if we confessed our sins to God, we will enter the Kingdom of Heaven one day to be with Him. If we truly believe that Christ was our Savior, and He was the Son of God, then we understand that good news. Believe in Christ, do God`s work here on Earth, and help others to find Christ, and you will be helping to spread the good news of God. By: Michael Stipa Category: The Calling of the First Disciples |
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