马可所著的耶稣传记——耶稣洁净圣殿 主页 > 描述耶稣的历史资料 > 早期传记作者对耶稣的描述 > 马可所著的耶稣传记 > 马可所著的耶稣传记——耶稣洁净圣殿 |
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马可所著的耶稣传记——耶稣洁净圣殿 第二天,他们从伯大尼出来。耶稣饿了, (11:12) 远远地看见一棵无花果树,树上有叶子,就往那里去,或者在树上可以找着什么。到了树下,竟找不着什么,不过有叶子。因为不是收无花果的时候。 (11:13) 耶稣就对树说,从今以后,永没有人吃你的果子。他的门徒也听见了。 (11:14) 他们来到耶路撒冷,耶稣进入圣殿,赶出殿里作买卖的人,推倒兑换银钱之人的桌子,和卖鸽子之人的凳子。 (11:15) 也不许人拿着器具从殿里经过。 (11:16) 便教训他们说,经上不是记着说,我的殿必称为万国祷告的殿吗?你们倒使它成为贼窝了。 (11:17) 祭司长和文士听见这话就想法子要除灭耶稣。却又怕他,因为众人都希奇他的教训。 (11:18) 每天晚上,耶稣出城去。 (11:19) 马可 11:12-19
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Jesus Clears the Temple
The next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came to see if perhaps he might find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. Jesus told it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again!" and his disciples heard it. They came to Jerusalem, and Jesus entered into the temple, and began to throw out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of those who sold the doves. He would not allow anyone to carry a container through the temple. He taught, saying to them, "Isn't it written, 'My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations?' But you have made it a den of robbers!" The chief priests and the scribes heard it, and sought how they might destroy him. For they feared him, because all the multitude was astonished at his teaching. When evening came, he went out of the city. Mark 11:12-19