Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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10 entries for this category:

Was Jesus Born on Dec 25th?

I think it is common knowledge that Jesus likely was not born on December 25.

He may have been, but no one has a written record of the exact day of Jesus' birth. It is helpful to know what we do know.

That a star was seen so there must have been a clear enough sky.

that shepherds were in the field so it must have been warm enough for people to be outside.

That Mary the mother of Jesus was traveling to Bethlehem because of a known proclamation to pay taxes to Rome

so we do know the season.

By: Victor Emmanuel
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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The 25 of December is the right day of Jesus birth day?

By: Samisoni Faonevai
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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My pastor preached last night on God's Love. It was a wonderful message that got me to thinking. If Jesus could love us so much to die on a cross for us, why can't we love each other just enough to forgive each other?

By: Becky Bryce
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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Why is Christmas done today? How is it celebrated? What is done to prepare for the feast and festival?

By: osama motiwala
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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Where in Luke 2 does it say that Jesus was born on Christmas?

By: Christine Crow
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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I found an interesting link here and I wonder what everyone's thoughts on this are... I do not mean to cause anger but I find myself questioning some things.

URL: ....-and-other-christmas-mythology

By: R Domhnaill
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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I am teaching a group of pre-teens the real story of Mary Mother of Jesus. Can you give some history on Mary?


By: Mary Newlon
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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christmas story
every year, i look forward to christmas because it reminds me of just how much GOD truly loves me!!

By: lisa steele
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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chrismas story
this is so great cause if our lord jesus not sent to our world we've been dead

By: reynalyn rosal
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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chrismas story

Isn't that a miraculous coincidence? Our Lord Jesus Christ was born exactly on Christmas day! Not to mention that he died on Eastern…


By: Toni Sz
Category: Jesus Resurrection and Ascension
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