Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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Jesus (also called Christ which means king or Messiah) was born in Israel 2000 years ago. Modern civilization marks his birth by dividing time B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini - or the year of our Lord). For his first thirty years, Jesus lived a traditional Jewish life, working as a carpenter. During this time, all of Israel was under Caesar's Roman dictatorship, including Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, and Nazareth, where he was raised.

In his thirties, Jesus began his public teaching and display of recorded miracles, yet still never travelled more than 200 miles from his birthplace. Over a three year period, despite his efforts to keep a low profile, Jesus' reputation spread nation wide. The Roman governors and rulers of Israel's provinces and the leaders of the Jewish people (the religious counsels) took note of him. Jesus' key messages included:

Many have asked "Who is Jesus Christ?" Jesus' most controversial act was that he repeatedly claimed to be God, which was a direct violation of the Jewish law. Therefore the religious leaders asked the Roman government to execute him. In each of several official trials, the Romans found that he was not guilty of breaking any Roman law. Even the Jewish leaders recognized that other than Jesus' claim to be God, Jesus followed the Jewish law perfectly. Still the religious leaders, using the argument of political disfavor, persuaded Pilate, a Roman governor of the Southern province of Israel, to authorize an execution.

Jesus was brutally tortured and then hung by his hands, which were nailed to a horizontal wooden beam (cross). This method of execution restricted the airflow to his lungs, killing him in three hours. However, according to more than 500 witnesses, Jesus returned from the dead three days later, and over the next 40 days journeyed in both the southern and northern provinces of Israel. To many, this was conclusive proof that Jesus' claims to be God were real. Then Jesus returned to Jerusalem, the city where he was recently executed, and according to witnesses, he left the earth alive by rising up into the sky.

As a result of these miraculous events, the number of his followers increased dramatically. Only a few months later in that same city of Jerusalem one record states that some 3000 new followers were added in a single day. The religious leaders responded by trying to stomp out Jesus' followers. Many of these people chose to die rather than deny their belief that Jesus was truly God.

Within 100 years, people throughout the Roman empire (Asia Minor, Europe) became followers of Jesus. In 325 AD, the following of Jesus, Christianity, became the official religion of the Roman Emperor Constantine. Within 500 years, even Greece's temples of Greek gods were transformed into churches for followers of Jesus. Although some of Jesus' messages and teachings were diluted or miscommunicated through the expansion of a religious institution, Jesus' original words and life still speak loudly for themselves.

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Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
To me jesus is the picture of kindness, love, compation and gentlness. but he is no push over he will come to judge with a strendth that will suprise all the non belivers. He continues, today, to perform miricals, through his followers and loves us even though we are not worthy to know him.

By: Mandy Foster
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
Jesus is teacher, healer, redeemer, deliverer, and Savior of the world. As humans, we have sinful ways which can be forgiven through Christ. Jesus showed us great sacrifice, love and forgiveness when He died at the cross for us so that we may be forgiven and live. Jesus loves us unconditionally and provides and gives us all that we need, heart soul and mind, that we do not need any worldly things.

By: Dee
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
Jesus is God the Son in the flesh ''I`m trinitarian if you hadn`t noticed - I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and god the Holy Spirit''. He was born to a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit and he did do miraculous things throughout His life. Though He was young and in preparation, the bible records of Him teaching in the temple to the religious philosophers at age 6 and blessing an old man with His presence as an infant. His ministry began at age 30 after a 40 day fast during which He was tempted by Satan...which only proves you must learn the law, deny yourself, then pass the test before God will use you in ministry!! After which he began training 12 men to carry on the legacy upon his departure. Not only did he perform wonderful miracles in the name of God, but he was a teacher/mentor/and disciplinary to those who followed Him. He was our perfect example of how to walk on earth and lead others as we serve them for God to ultimately get the glory!!!

By: Norlyque Jones
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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Jesus is God`s Son
The summary claims that Jesus claimed to be God - can you show me specific scripture? I only see how He claimed to be the Only begotten Son of God. Also, please describe how His lungs were impacted by being hung on the cross...

By: Norlyque Jones
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
Jesus was a historical man who lived approximatesly 2000 years ago. He grew up and was raised in the Jewish faith by his parents Mary & Joseph. He worked as a carpenter, like his father and then when he was around 30 years old, he started proclaiming publicly that he was the Son of God and teaching from the scriptures. He was a revolutionary. After accusing Him of blasphemy, the Pharisees & religious leaders of the time convinced Pontius Pilate to authorize an execution. Jesus was beaten severly, then hung on a cross with a crown of thorns on his head. He died for our sins, that they may be completely forgiven. 3 days later, he rose from the grave to walk among his disciples for 40 more days. Then he ascended into heaven where He is my Savior! He also walks with each of us who Know Him every day through his Holy Spirit.

By: Kia Hammill
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
JESUS will forgive you of your sins no matter what you did. HE loves you always!!! JESUS died for you and your sins. HE cares for you and HEjust wants the best for the world.

By: jennifer turner
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
I believe Jesus is God in the flesh. He came to seek and to save the lost. People need a relationship with Jesus instead of religion. Jesus is there for us in so many ways. We just have to have a child like faith and reach out to him. He is faithful to us and will never leave or forsake us no matter what happens in your life, Jesus sticks closer to us than a brother. He is always available to help us in our time of need.

By: Tony Motes
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
Jesus was born in Bethlahem. For 30 years he lived a typical Jewish life as a carpenter. He began His teachings and miracles in His 30`s during the last 3 years of His life. Some of His main messages were: God loves us and is always with us, He is a forgiving God, He wants us to love one another, and He wants us to know of the consequenses of judgement. After 3 years of teaching, Pilates was pressured into crucifiing Jesus; however, in 3 days He rose from the dead, proving He was the Son of God.

By: Teresa Swick
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
It`s important to know that Jesus is also called the Messiah and He was born 2000 years ago. He lived a Jewish life and worked as a carpenter and he was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. I think it`s amazing how he endured the sufferings and shame to get us saved and above all things He is God and truly the The King of Kings.

By: Mr. Victor Ulasi
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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