Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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Jesus on the cross with condemned criminal
I thank God that He went to the cross for us. Everyday He's being crusified over and over because of our sins. He died so that we may be saved yet we live in disobedient. We were once condemned criminals but He saved us thank You Jesus. I know that it makes Him so sad that so many are still lost


By: Min. vanessa smith
Category: Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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from Paradise to the Kingdom.
I loved John’s answer, and can only add the following because it works with what John has given us. Until the resurrection of Jesus, all the saints of God where held captive in a compartment of hell, which was called Paradise. After the resurrection of Jesus, He led this captivity captive [into the heavenly kingdom], as His train of glory. Wherein He is admired unto this day by those who are added unto Him in glory.

By: Brother Philip Husbandman
Category: Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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paradise rightly divided
Why did Jesus say " paradise" instead of heaven, or more to the point; KINGDOM , which is what the theif had said: "Remember me when thou comest into thy KINGDOM" ?  Now i believe that Jesus, not even on the cross, spoke a word errantly or meaninglessly. The word "Paradise", dispite it's many false defintion from the RCC and others, meant in Jesus day both literaly a "garden", like Eden, but was used in the culture of that time as a metaphor for heaven proper. What the word does NOT convey is any suggestion of KINGDOM proper. The concept of spiritual maturity is tied to regeneration (literal human spirit rebirth, John 3: 5-6)  and renewing of the mind which is soul sanctification. Rom 12: 2 That regeneration is instant and complete is a given, but learning to walk in the Spirit via that new human spirit is a PROCESS of learning and sanctifying work of the HS (Titus 3:5, Rom 8: 14-16) means that while the thief on the cross could have been regenerated right there , he still would not have had time to grow up in those few hours to spiritual maturity (soul sanctification / abiding in the vine) making him fit thereby to enter into participation in the KINGDOM (manifested soverignty) of God. Thus, while saved as completely as you or I, and standing beside us all in Heaven (a word which does carry the idea of KINGDOM of God in Heaven) he would remain spiritualy and soulicaly a "babe" and could not  be used to weld God's power and authority of his KINGDOM. Thus Jesus properly used "paradise" because it suggested the mans salvation but did not imply he could be used in the more weighty issue of the Kingdom of God manifested in the mellenial kingdom or in heaven. To say other wise would have been to speak falsly on Jesus part.

By: John Treat
Category: Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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Luke 23:41

"And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong."

Innocence, I had as a child....I would ask God to forgive my deeds and to follow him again as a child of God....:)

By: Russell Tassett
Category: Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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message behind the cross

I think (not saying i'm alright) that the other criminal was not in actual fact a malcontent when it comes to knowing the Messiah but, the Lord only used him as an example in  eye opening of the lost of the 'Truth'

By: Zibusiso Busani
Category: Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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One of criminals railed against Jesus,but another had fear of God.

By: Takao Ogawa
Category: Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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Jesus was/is able to forgive sins.

Only God can forgive sins. Jesus knew he was able to forgive sins. Certainly he considered himself as God. He also decided which person went to His paradise. Wonder where the other thought he was going to go?

By: scott strickland
Category: Jesus on Cross with Condemned Criminal
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One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!" But the other rebuked him, saying, "Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong." And he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." And he said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." ( Luke 23:39-43)

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