Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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Jesus (also called Christ which means king or Messiah) was born in Israel 2000 years ago. Modern civilization marks his birth by dividing time B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini - or the year of our Lord). For his first thirty years, Jesus lived a traditional Jewish life, working as a carpenter. During this time, all of Israel was under Caesar's Roman dictatorship, including Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, and Nazareth, where he was raised.

In his thirties, Jesus began his public teaching and display of recorded miracles, yet still never travelled more than 200 miles from his birthplace. Over a three year period, despite his efforts to keep a low profile, Jesus' reputation spread nation wide. The Roman governors and rulers of Israel's provinces and the leaders of the Jewish people (the religious counsels) took note of him. Jesus' key messages included:

Many have asked "Who is Jesus Christ?" Jesus' most controversial act was that he repeatedly claimed to be God, which was a direct violation of the Jewish law. Therefore the religious leaders asked the Roman government to execute him. In each of several official trials, the Romans found that he was not guilty of breaking any Roman law. Even the Jewish leaders recognized that other than Jesus' claim to be God, Jesus followed the Jewish law perfectly. Still the religious leaders, using the argument of political disfavor, persuaded Pilate, a Roman governor of the Southern province of Israel, to authorize an execution.

Jesus was brutally tortured and then hung by his hands, which were nailed to a horizontal wooden beam (cross). This method of execution restricted the airflow to his lungs, killing him in three hours. However, according to more than 500 witnesses, Jesus returned from the dead three days later, and over the next 40 days journeyed in both the southern and northern provinces of Israel. To many, this was conclusive proof that Jesus' claims to be God were real. Then Jesus returned to Jerusalem, the city where he was recently executed, and according to witnesses, he left the earth alive by rising up into the sky.

As a result of these miraculous events, the number of his followers increased dramatically. Only a few months later in that same city of Jerusalem one record states that some 3000 new followers were added in a single day. The religious leaders responded by trying to stomp out Jesus' followers. Many of these people chose to die rather than deny their belief that Jesus was truly God.

Within 100 years, people throughout the Roman empire (Asia Minor, Europe) became followers of Jesus. In 325 AD, the following of Jesus, Christianity, became the official religion of the Roman Emperor Constantine. Within 500 years, even Greece's temples of Greek gods were transformed into churches for followers of Jesus. Although some of Jesus' messages and teachings were diluted or miscommunicated through the expansion of a religious institution, Jesus' original words and life still speak loudly for themselves.

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My Brief Summary of Jesus
Jes?s es Dios hecho hombre, naci? en Belen Nazaret hijo de Mar?a descendiente del rey David, Jos? su padre terrenal era carpintero y le ense?? su oficio. Durante su infancia, adolescencia y parte de su adultes Jes?s trabaj? con Jos? como carpintero. Cerca de sus 30 a?os Jes?s inici? a predicar la palabra de Dios para salvaci?n de los hombres, se proclam? el hijo de Dios el cu?l seg?n sus palabras era Padre, hijo y esp?ritu santo en una sola unidad. A ra?z de sus declaraciones los sacerdotes jud?os lograron que los romanos lo condenaran a morir crucificado. En la ?ltima noche con sus disc?pulos instaur? la eucarist?a por medio de la cual nosotros humanos pecadores alimentamos nuestra alma con el cuerpo y la sangre de cristo Jes?s, igualmente nos ense?? la humildad y el amor al pr?jimo al lavarles los pies a sus disc?pulos. Poncio Pilatos orden? la cruxificci?n de Jes?s y ?l muri? por nuestra salvaci?n resucit? al tercer d?a y se les present? a los ap?stoles y la virgen los cuales estaban escondidos por temor a ser perseguidos y asesinados. Jes?s les dej? el esp?ritu santo para que los inspirara y hablaron en lenguas para esparcir la palabra de Dios por la Tierra, les di? el poder de perdonar los pecados de los hombres. Jes?s subi? al cielo donde est? nuestro Padre Dios.

By: Beatriz
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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By: Arman Akkus
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
Jesus was on a mission from God to save sinners from damnation and to do the will of thy father. To be loved you must love. To be forgiven you must forgive.

By: Tom Jurgensen
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
Jesus lived about 2000 years ago. He was born a carpenter. When he was about 30 years old he started preaching. He did many miracles. He preached for about 3 years. He was the son of God. He preached Love for everyone. He said God would forgive your sin if you prayed to be forgiven. He was tortured and nailed to a cross for his beleaves. He died and returned from the dead in 3 days. More than 500 people saw him alive after he rose from the dead. After 40 days alive on earth, he left earth alive by rising up into the sky.

By: Tom Ellgass
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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Will a certificate be awarded at the end of this course?

By: Christine Clarke
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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``in this lessons it is stated that christ`s birth year is BC 6 and death year AD 30.. but bible states that he died in 33 rd to tally this one.....`` Posted: Apr 09, 2007

By: gibu george
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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in this lessons it is stated that christ`s birth year is BC 6 and death year AD 30.. but bible states that he died in 33 rd to tally this one.....

By: gibu george
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary Of JESUS
Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I am so glad that he did, because he saved me. Jesus words are truth and they contain life now and eternal life later. I love and believe every word spoken from the mouth of God. I have put God`s word to the test and I must say they are true. God`s words have been my comfort when my so - called friends let me down. His words were my comfort when my families were not there for me.

By: Christine Clarke
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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what I know about Jesus
Jesus the only son of GOD was sent to earth to teach us about life, love and forgiveness. Jesus lived a quiet childhood, with only a small bit in the bible about him until he reached adult age. He preformed miracles and was a teacher of Gods ideals, and the way we should live. Jesus slaim to be GOD caused the leaders of the time to do what was GODs plan, executetion. Didn`t work out well for the Romans, backfired when Jesus returned from the dead and hungout for 40 days. I know that exictly what happend and why may heve been changed by the scribes and others who have written and rewrithen our bible over the last 2000 years. It is also possible that some of the letters or other writtnings may have been deleated or changed becuse they did not fit with the primary ideals of the day. The story remains and is very powerful, as for myself, I hope I am following the right path and am looked upon with favor by GOD.

By: Lynne Graham
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
I believe that Jesus has always existed as God, and created the universe, as well as each and every one of us. The fact that He came to earth to save us from our sins, and the method He chose to accomplish this, is the most humbling thing I can contemplate; it often causes me to weep with joy and thanksgiving. Ever since He first opened my eyes and my heart He has changed my entire being, and I pray every day that I`ll be able to follow His will for my life, whatever that may be.

By: celeste morse
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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