Now right now, some of you might be saying, "Whoa. Wait a minute Scott. You do not understand. There is no way I can have joy right now. You don`t understand. I just got the bad news from the doctor, or my kid won`t talk to me, or I`m going through a divorce. You don`t understand." Those things are very real, and they are very hard, and they are very painful. And I don`t think joy means running around with a fake smile on our face pretending that things don`t hurt when they do. That`s not joy, that`s phony, and God doesn`t ask us to be phony. But what the Bible promises is that as we get close to Jesus, build his kingdom, celebrate, obey his commands ''which Jesus says were made to give us joy not make us miserable'', yes there will still be pain in life but God will give us a gift of confidence, wholeness, and joy that transcends what`s going on.

By: Scott Dudley
Category: Comfort for the Sorrowful