He`s filled with the Spirit; He`s led by the Spirit. The very next event after He spends forty days in the desert being tempted, Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit and news about Him spread. ''Luke 4:14''
His very first sermon began with these words:
Now anointing was very important in the Old Testament. Kings and prophets would often be anointed with oil, but that was a picture of being anointed with the Spirit of God. The name Messiah¨the One for whom they were waiting¨comes from a word in Greek or Hebrew that simply meant ?the Anointed One.? That`s why the Baptism of Jesus is so crucial. It is because He is anointed by the Spirit. He is the Messiah. His ministry begins, and what He does, He does in the Spirit. He is led, comforted, guided, empowered and strengthened by the Spirit. Then He says, ?If you want to follow Me, you will need that same power.?

By: John Ortberg
Category: The Temptation of Jesus