A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
I think this Parable means that Our God is not a God of Hide and Seek all he does is clear, so this means that all the followers of Jesus should also do the works of God Clearly without hidding or fearing anything

By: varaidzo chikati
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
Jesus came to show the world what God is like, also to make people understand more about God.that`s the meaning of this parable.

By: Rachel DAKOUO
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
A light is meant to show not to hide. Christ came to reveal everyones guilt before God. Nothing can hide before him. And he also says that if we dont take care of the little knowledge we have about God, even what we know will be taken away from us.

By: Arman Akkus
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
According to the parable of the Lamp on a Stand, God see anything hidden or done in secret. This means that any sin done in secret or hidden God is likekly to put it on the light. More over , the parable is teaching us not to hide the word of God and that we should take hold what we hear and ask God to give us anything we need. God is going to provide to us according to our measure. Let us hear the calling of God and proclaim the good news.

URL: http://www.jesuscentral.com/lerning/course/myclass/php

By: Christopher Banda
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
In Jesus, God was manifested. Christ stand like a standing lamp which was put to the rest of world; even to the gentiles who does`nt believe in Christ, knows He represents an holy spirit which is God through His word, deeds and preaching.

By: Fasakin Adebayo Joseph
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
There is a multiplier effect here, which is God`s way of expansion. A seed however shall, will grow to become bigger and bigger. A lamp however small, will shine more and more and expose everything, until darkness is no more. Whatever little you have, if it is of God, then it will mightily multiply, so do not hide Godly talent. Let it be seen, it will develop a global impact for God through Jesus Christ.

By: Robert Ochen-Chagara
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
Christ came to us, He forgives our sins, He saved us and He loves us unconditionally, He knows us, He knows all. As believers in Christ, we should not be afraid and we have nothing to hide, we should show the world our light, our love, trust, our grace in Christ.

By: Dee
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
The lamp represents God. The light of God should be shinning on every righteous one and not to be covered up. If it`s covered up then is only darkness and everyone will be doing evils. This is not what God wants. God wants to light up the world for all the righteous ones and if the unrighteous ones repent and receive Jesus as their Savious, they too will be enlightened.

By: Allen Yong
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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Mark 4:25 For whoever has, and more will be given to him, and he who has little , even that will be taken from him. What does it mean? Usually more should be given to the one who has less.

By: Allen Yong
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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If Jesus came to show the world what God is like, what does this parable mean?
Picture it. Place it at the centre of your heart and contemplate it...shhhh...in silence :''

By: Alessandra Parrini
Category: A Lamp on a Stand
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A Lamp on a Stand

He said to them, "Is the lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Isn't it put on a stand? For there is nothing hidden, except that it should be made known; neither was anything made secret, but that it should come to light. If any man has ears to hear, let him hear."
He said to them, "Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you, and more will be given to you who hear. For whoever has, to him will more be given, and he who doesn't have, even that which he has will be taken away from him."

Mark 4:21-25
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