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I have tried several times to go to my sister and she refuses to speak with me. I wrote her a letter and she put on FB that she refused to open it up and read it. The next thing Im going to do is go to her church and speak with her and her pastor! By: Tiffaney Steadman Category: A Brother Who Sins Against You |
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 | Why is it helpful to confront a brother alone first, before involving others in confronting him? |
It seems like a simple thing, to confront your brother alone doesn`t it? Give him a chance to put right his wrong, without embarrassment. But what then, if he doesn`t listen? This happened to us - the brother would not listen, so others in the family were involved, he still did not listen. Then, the family member who was wronged died. The brother still did not repent or right the wrong, even though the deceased member had begged him the day before he died. This was 2 years ago, still the brother has not repented. The bible says treat him like a gentile or tax collector. But in Matthew 18:21-22 Jesus says you should forgive your brother not 7 times, but 77 times. So, what should we do? Forgive the brother, or treat him like a gentile or tax collector??? This is our family dilemma, we would welcome your thoughts on a suitable course of action. By: Marcia Category: A Brother Who Sins Against You (2) Comments |
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