9 entries for this category:
 | Physical healing metaphor of spiritual healing |
Jesus certainly does heal spiritually, mentally, as well as physically - and there certainly are parallels. And while He can do any of these healings to these types of needs miraculously, He also heals through chosen "means": like doctors and their knowledge and skills for the body; ministers for the spirit; and counselors for the mind (though this categorization isn't exlusive - often the cures overlap in relation to overlapping, inter-related needs. While the Spirit of Christ and application of Christ's atonement are fundamentally instrumental to healing to any part of a human life (body, mind or spirit), God works through His Body of believers according to the gifts He's given each: so He works through ministers, teachers, counselors, mentors, fellowship and support groups, etc.. Often His healing may involve more than one "instrument" or agent - He just won't be put in a box! And so He may heal the same issue in one person differently than in another - because often He is addressing more than the obvious. You just can't put Him in a formula - nor do the Scriptures. His healing of the spirit and mind also involve the entrance of His life-giving, life-changing Word (Truth) to offset and correct lies: false ideas and related unhealthy core beliefs. Have you noticed in the Gospels the times Jesus healed people spiritually, psychologically, or emotionally? He did! By: Rodger Niemeier Category: Jesus Heals Many |
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