How can Jesus be God?
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How can Jesus be God?
According to the New Testament Bible, Jesus is God inasmuch as He God`s Son, born of the same divine substance as God. He chose to become human while on earth so that He could die for our sins in our place, for mankind.

If your name is Smith, and your father`s name is also Smith, you are both called God. And you both are made of the same substance in the flesh as kin. Jesus is God`s Son and He is God in oneness with His Father.

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Jesus is also one with the Holy Spirit. In fact, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one--like a family is one unit.

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Category: How can Jesus be God?
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How can Jesus be God?
how can Jesus and the father be one

By: Nancy Govender
Category: How can Jesus be God?
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How can Jesus be God?
how can the father and Jesus be the same

By: Nancy Govender
Category: How can Jesus be God?
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How can Jesus be God?
Because Jesus said he was the alpha and omega, the first and the last in the book of Rev. And John 1 says that the word was with God and the word was God. He is God because he said he is,and the earth bears witness of this because Jesus comands the winds and they obey him.

By: Lille Rose
Category: How can Jesus be God?
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